He may conceivably be the strongest man alive having endured blow after blow in the ring without ever giving in to an opponent's attempts for a K.O, and turning the emotional trauma that lead his wife to suicide into the motivating factor behind his selfless work to save teens from the devastating world of substance abuse. "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." - George Chuvalo


The Family

"I'm carving the turkey. From left to right: Georgie Lee picks his drumstick while Mitchell, Steven, my wife Lynn and Jesse look on" - George Chuvalo

"From Left to right: Georgie Lee, Mitchell, Jesse and Steven.
My boys share a joke around the kitchen table at the family home in Etobicoke ( Looks like Georgie Lee missed the punchline)" - George Chuvalo
Visit George Chuvalo's Fight Against Drugs

Tragedy would wreak havoc on the Chuvalo family: Jesse, then a heroin addict, took his life in 1985. In 1993 Georgie Lee passed after a heroin overdose. 4 days after Georgie Lee's death Lynn, overcome with grief, took her life overdosing on pills, leaving behind a suicide note.

CBC Archives

Finally, in 1996 Steven, about to embark on a national tour with his father promoting abstinence from drug use, died. The killer? Heroin.


Anonymous said...

Mitch Chuvalo is my wrestling coach. He's such a great guy, and totally worthy of respect especially because of all the crap I put him through :P. It's amazing that someone with such a tough life, can be so full of life now. It's unbelievable that so much devastation can happen to one person. Also, he looks so much like his dad, now that I know the full story every time I look at him, I almost want to cry. Everybody at school loves him, he's absolutely amazing. There's nothing fake or bad about him. Simply inspiring.

Anonymous said...

I’m in long stretch of the end of reading the book! It’s unbelievable to what I read about George. What a great book. How he over comes the deaths of his family members. He shows bravery, zest for life, and perseverance. Very well respected in what he endured in life. Thanks for writing this book ❤️

Anonymous said...

So nice to see pictures from happier times of his life.